Friday, January 16, 2009

Dilemma 1/16/09

You have the magical power to stop one and only one of the following two scenarios. Which would you prevent?

1. You lose all internet access for two months.
2. Your entire town loses electricity for a week.


Stephanie said...

If it's this week, I would have to sacrifice my Internet. If I can pick the week, I'd pick a nice weather week. B/c I want my Internet & I'm selfish.

Theryn said...

Gah. Going to have to sacrifice the interwebs. :-( Something close to Scenario 2 happened in November 2007--my power stayed on, but I know people who were without. I have to prevent town from losing electricity!

Julie said...

Oh sweet jesus losing the internet for a week would be horrendous never mind two months. But electricity is a must. My dad is on oxygen which runs on electricity. So without oxygen he would die. If it weren't for that I would say screw the electricity. Electricity is the winner.