Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dilemma 1/25/09

You have the magical power to stop one and only one of the following two scenarios. Which would you prevent?

1. A maximum security prison is built in your neighborhood.
2. A nuclear power plant is built in your neighborhood.


By Golly Gosh said...

I would definitely prevent a nuclear power plant.
I doubt that if an inmate escapes from a maximum security prison they probably wouldn't stick around the neighborhood!

Theryn said...

I'll prevent the nuclear power plant. I don't think it would make sense economically or environmentally to build one here given that we get virtually all our power from hydroelectricity.

Stephanie said...

Power plant for sure. If someone escapes from the prison, are they going to stick around? Hell no!

We do have a max security prison here btw.

Also in our area, it would provide good jobs for people w/ a lower skill level than I think the power plant would. It's a win-win!

troglodytis said...
