Monday, January 5, 2009

Dilemma 1/5/09

You have the magical power to stop one and only one of the following two scenarios. Which would you prevent?

  1. Your favorite park is turned into a highrise development.
  2. Your favorite historical building is torn down.


Stephanie said...

I go with the historical building. Parks can be made anew. Am historic building, once gone, is gone for good.

Paula said...

Keep the park. We have few enough of those and plenty of old crumbly buildings.

Theryn said...

I guess this turns on what I decide my favorite park is. If we're talking basic greenspace, I'd go with the historic building (this is the one that jumps to mind), for the reason Eden notes. But, otoh, some parks cannot simply be moved to another location. I gasp at the idea of Stanley Park being turned into a highrise development. So I will save the park.

Anonymous said...

Very tough one. When I read Eden's comment, I was swayed. But then reading Theryn's comments, she's right. There are some parks, some greenspaces, that simply cannot be replaced. So, it may depend on the park.

That being said, I have a soft spot for historical buildings. One of the things that got me about the Bosnia/Serbia/Croatia war of the 1990's was the intentional destruction and obliteration of churches and other historical buildings that had been around for centuries and had survived so many other wars.

So, I'm going to have to go with saving the historical building, even though the ever vanishing green spaces is troubling as well.