You have the magical power to stop one and only one of the following two scenarios. Which would you prevent?
1. Someone secretly makes a baby using your egg or sperm.
2. Someone secretly clones you.
1. Someone secretly makes a baby using your egg or sperm.
2. Someone secretly clones you.
I would be puzzled as to why someone would want to clone me. I think my answer to this would depend on how they obtained either my DNA or my egg. If I had donated the egg, I would likely not care and would prevent #2. However, I have never donated eggs so I would have to consider that a violation.
I have given DNA for a DNA test so #2 would surprise me less. I guess I really just don't care which so I guess I'll prevent... #1.
Hmm. Well, I think if someone was cloning me secretly they would be doing so for nefarious purposes (although I'm not sure what they'd gain from creating a doppelganger me, seeing as I'm not rich or famous, but you know, if I were, then every 20 years or so they could substitute in a new clone and then "I" would be forever young! Or something.). Whereas, in scenario #1, the egg-stealer probably just wants a kid. So I'll prevent #2.
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