Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dilemma 2/17/09

You have the magical power to stop one and only one of the following two scenarios. Which would you prevent?

1. You lose the ability to read.
2. You lose the ability to talk.


Theryn said...

I would prevent #1. No question. There are ways to get around not being able to talk (signing, writing notes, texting...). Not being able to read would render me rather useless, since pretty much everything I do requires the ability to read.

Stephanie said...

Ditto to #1. Roger Ebert can no longer speak yet communicates brilliantly.

I need to read. I just need to.

My word verification is "proust" btw ;)

Emma said...

This one is easy. I must read. I don't need to speak. I can write.

Erin said...

Yes, same here. No question.

Julie said...

I am in total agreement with everyone else. I might as well not exist if I can't read.