Friday, February 13, 2009

Dilemma 2/13/09

You have the magical power to stop one and only one of the following two scenarios. Which would you prevent?

1. You can always hear what other people are thinking.
2. Other people can always hear what you are thinking.


Stephanie said...

Although it might be maddening, I would rather hear all those voices inside my head than have everyone know what's in mine ;)

Novac said...

Easy pick. There's no way I would allow everyone to hear my thoughts.

Theryn said...

Ugh. Prevent both! ok, I know. Not an option. I'd prevent #2 then. I don't want people to know my thoughts. It's really the only privacy we have left in our surveillance society. Though #1 would probably end up driving me insane. This is a lose-lose dilemma!