Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dilemma 3/12/09

You have the magical power to stop one and only one of the following two scenarios. Which would you prevent?

1. You betray a core value to help someone you love.
2. You lose your relationship with someone you love when you adhere to a core value.


Stephanie said...

I've done #1 to prevent #2

Julie said...

Core value out the window. If it is someone I truly love, and there are very few of those people, it would take me less than a heartbeat to make that decision.

Theryn said...

Well... it really would depend what "core value" we're talking about. I'm not going to, for example, commit murder or start embezzling just to help someone out, no matter how much I love 'em. I've watched too many police procedurals to know how that always turns out for the helpful friend/relative ;-) So I guess I'll prevent #1.